Monday, July 5, 2010

photo pops and doggie-in-a-bag series

Happy belated fourth everyone! I hope it was a good one. I spent the weekend up in wine country gallivanting around with my girlfriends, drinking pinot noir and eating lots and lots of Mexican food. I'm ready to tie on my running shoes and hit the pavement, but maybe I'll just relax for one more day...

So photo pops was in Europe recently and it seems that he's taken a liking to photographing dogs. Maybe his granddogger Sadie has inspired him (my sister told me not to tell people that I use words like granddogger and dogger, but I think it's clever), or maybe there were just lots of people in Paris who carried their little dogs around in bags and my dad thought it was funny - after all, you don't see much of that in Colorado. Sadie and I would fit in well in Paris, except that I don't really speak French, I do know how to ask for a glass of red wine though. Anyway, while I eagerly await photo pops' photographs of the Matterhorn in Switzerland, I wanted to post a couple of pics from what I like to call "The Doggie-in-a-bag Series".....

notice the Sadie-but-smaller lookalike...

yes, lots of Terriers in Paris. I tried putting Sadie in my bag like this once, I almost threw out my shoulder.

(All photos property of Richard Hagar. Any unauthorized use is prohibited and illegal).

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